This site contains information obtained by general Freedom of Information Act inquiries (including Texas Public Information Act) into the records of Franklin County (Texas), various State agencies, and the Mount Vernon Independent School District. All information was created by these government agencies and funded by taxpayer dollars or the result of normal business communications from third parties with these agencies. Each listing on this site has been carefully vetted for copyright infringement, personal data, or private citizen data. Legal views have been taken on the merit of relevant case law applicable to FOIA/TPIA requests or fair use doctrines and related rulings.
If you feel differently about our general copyright and Digital Milennium Copyright Act interpretations, reach out to the following address:
OC2 Ventures, LLC
13901 Midway Rd
Suite 102-164
Dallas, TX 75244
We will respond quickly and openly engage in a dialogue on how to address your concerns. IF YOU FILE A DMCA TAKEDOWN REQUEST directly with us or one of our technology providers without the courtesy of a dialogue before hand, expect a summary judgement filing in federal court. Let’s talk not litigate!